Committed to the community, The Kilimahewa Educational Centre, supported by EdPowerment, now serves a growing range of students.
Just take a look at today!
- taught writing techniques to Abdallah, a secondary student with cerebral palsy, (assisted by Kerri)
- taught English revision to Form 1 students on semester break
- taught English to a local businessman
- taught life skills projects to Pre Form 1, Form 2 and Form 4 Kilimahewa teens (including those with special needs), assisted by Rebecca

- taught math to Form 3 students on break
- taught chemistry to Form 5 students on break
- prepped one of our Form 5 assistant teachers on her lessons to Form 1 math
- taught a mixed group of 7 individuals Microsoft Publisher
- taught the headmistress of a nearby school Microsoft Office basics
- taught 2 government water employees how to use Excel

- taught map skills to Form 3 students on break
- worked with Form 4 graduates on history
Moira, visiting from the U.S. for two weeks,
- taught intensive English classes to Form 3,4 and 5 students on break

AND... Rebecca advised one of our young adults how to register to vote, while other students worked independently in our library.
= one day’s work at a Center dedicated to all who want to learn.
Posted in The Kilimahewa Educational Centre