EdPowerment’s sponsorships have been the cornerstone of its mission to create educational pathways for motivated and capable youth. These opportunities have taken various forms depending on the student, most spanning many years, culminating in degrees and diplomas.
What is an EdPowerment sponsorship?
School fees are just the start. We support and nurture participants in every aspect of their lives: academics, personal needs, family support, physical and mental health, life skills and employment coaching. These close and all-inclusive relationships have proven essential to each individual’s success.
As of 2025, our 72 alumni include 23 university degrees, 4 medical degrees, 3 law degrees, 13 college certificates or diplomas, 6 vocational school graduates and 23 secondary school or higher graduates (some families were able to assume the student’s higher-education costs after initial support from EdPowerment).
Graduates are now employed in a full range of professional and skilled labor positions such as: accountants, engineers, doctors, college lecturers, teachers, NGO program managers, farm managers, pharmacists, long-haul truck drivers, a hairdresser – and entrepreneurial business owners.
EdPowerment’s ongoing higher-education “family” includes 5 university and 2 college students: Studies include clinical health, architecture and water resource management.
The Early Discovery Project
In January 2022, EdPowerment responded to a request by officials in the SIHA District to help 15 primary school (Standard 5-7) students, who demonstrated great academic promise, but whose circumstances prevented them performing well in school. EdPowerment agreed to provide school supplies, books, aids – such as portable solar lights – and extra coaching to give each a chance to excel.
As of January 2025, 7 out of these students have now progressed to secondary school and are meeting the qualifications for continued support.