Meeting the Students Where They Are

A woman and two men sitting at a table

Committed to the community, The Kilimahewa Educational Centre, supported by EdPowerment, now serves a growing range of students.  Just take a look at today! Rebecca taught writing techniques to Abdallah, a secondary student with cerebral palsy, (assisted by Kerri) taught English revision to Form 1 students on semester break taught English to a local businessman…

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Educating the Community… Not Just the Students

A group of people standing in front of windows.

In the past week, EdPowerment and its volunteers cast our educational net to include (1) guardians of our students and (2) other teaching professionals. By advancing the knowledge of parents and teachers, we enhance the prospects of our students. First, we tackled the idea of savings. For many village “peasants†this is a little understood concept. Many distrust…

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